Should we change to Tenants in Common?

Becoming tenants in common

Should we change to ‘tenants in common’? There are two main ways to own a property with somebody else in England. You can either be ‘beneficial joint tenants’ or ‘tenants in common’. The distinction between the two becomes very important when it comes to making a Will. Joint beneficial tenants The majority of people are…

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Why January is the Ideal Time to Protect your Loved Ones: A Gentle Reminder

As we step into the new year, let’s take a moment to consider something crucial – making a Will. While it might not be the liveliest topic, January is a prime opportunity to address the importance of making or updating your Will. Here are three key reasons to give it the attention it deserves: 1.…

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Our client GUARANTEE

Hi Our GUARANTEE We are Corporate Members of the BEST Foundation. BEST is a really forward thinking organisation which is trying to raise the bar within our profession. In an unregulated area, this is as close as we can get to being regulated. In any business, things can go wrong, which is why BEST provides…

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Predatory marriage

predatory marriage

What is predatory marriage? Well, many or our clients include trusts on first death in their Wills. The reasons for this can vary from mitigating care fees to protecting assets for children from a previous marriage. But many of our clients use trusts, particularly for their share of a property, to protect it in case…

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The importance of Lasting Powers of Attorney

The Importance of Lasting Power of Attorney (While this article is aimed at financial advisers and accountants, it contains some useful nuggets for anybody considering making an LPA). In today’s competitive financial landscape, it is crucial for financial advisers and accountants to stay updated on important legal matters that can impact their clients’ financial well-being.…

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Thank you Norman, we’ll miss you

We have lost someone very dear to us. Norman Gavaghan will be known to many of you as somebody who helped you to get your Will in place. To us, he was also a friend and mentor. He worked with Silver Lining for many years and we are all better people, both personally and professionally,…

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Business owners – too busy to save some tax?

How to save inheritance tax

Let’s talk about business owners – I’ll make it quick because this is about saving tax.   You may well be a business owner, like us. Hard to pin down, aren’t we, as we flit from one shiny new thing to the next, struggle to meet payroll and endure a never-ending stream of HR issues,…

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Should I create my own Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) online?

Use an expert for LPAs

How we add value with LPAs For more information on why you might need an LPA, click here. Many of our clients want to create LPAs after watching this video featuring Dom Littlewood I can find out how to do lots of things online. It’s amazing. I can find out how to change the brakes…

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Will you be remembered, or Unforgotten?

Sometimes TV makes you stop and think If you haven’t watched the final episode of Unforgotten yet, look away now. I am a huge fan of the show, and Nicola Walker in particular for her portrayal of the embattled Cassie Stuart. Most viewers are still in shock about Cassie’s death, but as an estate planner…

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6 Reasons to make a Will – which one is yours?

Why do you need to make a Will? This only comes second to starting that diet as something we all say we will get around to next week. If you are procrastinating, you may have convinced yourself that you don’t actually need one. We are here to tell you otherwise and how, by not having…

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